1st Grade

1st Grade team

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Welcome to the
1st Grade Team at Ute Meadows

Penny Bober
[email protected]
Voicemail: 303-982-4015

Andrea Graney
[email protected]
Voicemail: 303-982-4036


Important Links:

1st Grade Website

Curriculum Resources

Curriculum Information

Sight Words 1st Graders Need to Know (First 100 words)


Schedules for 1st Grade

1st Grade Daily Schedule

7:45 Class Meeting
8:00 OG Phonics
8:25 Literacy
9:30 Snack/Recess
9:45 Literacy
10:10 Writing
11:10 Math Centers
11:25 Lunch/Recess
12:05 Science/Social Studies
12:50 AMP (Art, Music, P.E.)
1:35 Math
2:35 Dismissal


"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." Albert Einstein

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