Ute Meadows LOVES its volunteers. There are many ways that you can be involved in our student’s learning and safety.
- Watch D.O.G.S.
- Ute Meadows Accountability Committee
- Clubs & Activities
- Classroom Support
All volunteers in the school or classroom need to complete this Background Screening, Disclosure, and Release Form prior to service.
Sign Up to Volunteer
- All volunteers in the classroom need to complete a background PRIOR to coming in. Complete and submit the Background Screening, Disclosure, and Release form.
- Call our front office at 303-982-4044 with SSN and form of payment for $17.25. We can take payments as a check. We do not accept credit cards.
Make checks payable to: Ute Meadows Elementary. - Please allow one week for the background check to be processed. You will only be notified if the background check does not clear.
Watch D.O.G.S.
(Dads Of Great Students - We WELCOME Moms---Grandparents—Aunts & Uncles too!!)
We are looking for awesome volunteers to assist at Ute Meadows with traffic and safety.
Ute Meadows staff will provide training for all positions.