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School Accountability Committee

The Ute Meadows School Accountability Committee is made up of parents, school employees and community members. The group works together to discuss and accomplish goals and objectives set forth by the state, district, faculty and parents. We examine and implement goals focused on education, student performance, climate and culture. Our work includes providing feedback on priorities for spending school monies, and other school related items that arise throughout the year.

Accountability is a great way for parents to meet new people, learn about the school community, and become informed on how a school spends its money, what programs it offers and the strategies it uses to improve.

If you have any questions or would like to be added to our communication list, please contact Ute Meadows SAC Chair Amelia Koopmann:

The SAC will typically meet bi-monthly the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the school library. Other meeting dates may be announced as needed.

Agenda and Minutes